Legal Notice

Website editor
SARL with a capital of €10,000 registered with the Paris RCS under number 512850421
TVA intracommunautaire : FR34512850421
Head office: 9 rue de l’Arc de Triomphe – 75017 Paris
Tel : +33 (0)1 73 71 81 87
E-mail :

Adress : AMEN SASU, 12-14, Rond-Point des Champs-Élysées 75008 Paris
Phone : 0 811 88 77 66
Email : “Contact us” section of the website

Responsible for the information on this website
Responsible for publication: Nadine COLOMB
20, rue Georges Sorel – 92100 Boulogne Billancourt – FRANCE
Phone : +33 (0)
Email :
Capital social : 15 244.90 €
RCS : Nanterre 383 321 320
TVA intracommunautaire : FR52341830891
Code APE : 5510Z

Website Protection
Any reproduction, even partial, of this website is prohibited.
Trademark, model, designs and texts are registered and protected.

Protection of personal data and security
No personal information is collected without the user’s knowledge.
No personal information is transferred to third parties or used for unintended purposes.
The personal information of Internet users registered through electronic addresses: e-mail or reservation forms are only transmitted to the hotel whose Internet users have requested it at this address:
The AvailPro Online reservation system has been declared to the Commission Nationale Informatique et Liberté.
You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you (art. 34 of the “Informatique et Libertés” law).
To exercise this right, please contact:

The company Clic Gauche, publishing this site, disclaims all liability if the Internet user visiting this website were to disclose or register through electronic addresses: e-mail or reservation form, all bank details.
The responsibility of the Clic Gauche Company cannot be engaged in the event of an error or involuntary omission, despite the care taken in the preparation of this site.
After contacting customer service and failing a satisfactory response within 1 month, the customer may contact the Tourism and Travel Mediator, whose contact details and referral methods are available on his website:

In which cass and how to approach the tourism and travel mediator ?
After entering customer service and failing a satisfactory answer within 1 month, the customer can contact the Tourism and Travel Mediator, whose contact details and referral procedures are available on his site:

Consumer Mediator
“In the event of a dispute between the professional and the consumer, they will endeavor to find an amicable solution. In the absence of an amicable agreement, the consumer has the possibility of seizing free of charge the mediator of consumption to which the professional reports, namely the Association of European Mediators (AME CONSO), within one year of the complaint. writing addressed to the professional.

Referral to the consumer ombudsman must be made:
– either by completing the form provided for this purpose on the AME CONSO website:
– either by mail addressed to AME CONSO, 197 Boulevard Saint-Germain – 75007

Telephone canvassing
According to article L.223-2 of the consumer code: “When a professional
is required to collect telephone data from a consumer, he informs him of his right to register on the list of opposition to cold calling.” The customer can exercise his right of opposition to cold calling by registering on Bloctel:

Right to retract
Article L. 221-28 of the Consumer Code states: “The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for contracts: (…)
12° Provision of accommodation services, other than residential accommodation, goods transport services, car rental, catering or leisure activities which must be provided on a given date or for a specific period; […]

find all the information on the link below: